Installing PROMT Offline is possible on any device with the operating system iOS 4.2 and higher (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch).

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline
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PROMT offline requires iOS 8.0 or later, as well as approximately 290 MB on the device to install it.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline
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PROMT Offline for mobile devices with iOS operating system is available in the following versions:
  • PROMT One - free version (online)
  • PROMT Offline - paid version (offline)

The main differences:
  • Phrases and texts are translated in PROMT One applications on a remote server with using active Internet connection.
  • The PROMT Offline application is an offline translator that does not require an Internet connection. Additional directions of translation can be purchased directly from the application through the in-app purchases. There is also the option to use online dictionaries.

The information in this article applies to the following product:
PROMT Offline, PROMT One
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In the free application PROMT One there is a restriction on translation - 3000 characters (in case authentication was not performed in the PROMT account) and 10000 characters (if authentication was performed).
In the paid application "PROMT Offline" translation restrictions are always equal to 3000 characters.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline, PROMT One
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Offline voice input does not work

Please note that the operation of the voice input function in offline mode is available on devices that support this function.
The list of devices and directions is listed on the official Apple website.

If your device is included in the list of devices on which this function is performed, you should make sure that the desired language is available in the settings of the dictation function. For this:
  1. Go to device settings;
  2. Select «General»;
  3. Make sure the Dictation is enabled;
  4. Go to the menu item «Dictation Languages»;
  5. Make sure that the desired language is present in the list of languages and that a check-mark is set against it.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline, PROMT One
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In order to buy and install the «PROMT Offline» or «PROMT One» application you need to:
  1. Launch the AppStore application;
  2. Go to the «Search» tab;
  3. In the search bar enter «PROMT» and click on the «Search» button;
  4. From the list of suggested applications, select what you need, buy and then install it on your device.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline
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In order to adjust the pronunciation speed of speech for translation, you should:
  1. Log in to the PROMT offline / PROMT One
  2. Go to the menu item «Settings»;
  3. Move the «Speaking RATE» slider to the right if you want to increase the speed of speech and to the left if you want to slow it down.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline, PROMT One
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To restore language packs purchased previously through in-app purchases, click the "Restore" button on the "Download" tab. After that, the purchased language packs will be available for installation.

The information in this article applies to the following products:
PROMT Offline
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